Diabetes Prevention Through Lifestyle Choices
Arya Kumar

This project provides a method of diabetes prevention using education about lifestyle choices and a calendar for medication adherence.
Arya's Story

Arya is a current high school student in Durham, North Carolina.
In her project, Arya explored both communicable and non-communicable diseases (NCDs) that are present in the slums of Mumbai. Arya proposed a solution that assists slum dwellers with treating and living with diabetes, which is present in the form of an educational flyer about diabetes and lifestyle choices and a medication calendar with boxes intended to help with medication adherence.
After reading "Behind the Beautiful Forevers by Katherine Boo" and "Shantaram" by Gregory Roberts, Arya was inspired to learn more about the lives of slum dwellers in Mumbai, India, specifically about the prevalence of diseases and healthcare access in the region.

Use the form below to submit a donation for Arya's project! Funds will be used to help Arya identity a test population in the Durham community, providing the feedback necessary to improve her product and eventually implement it in the slums of Mumbai.
Please write "Arya Kumar" in the comment box.